What is the definition of science?

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I’m curious about the definition of science. What exactly does it mean and what does it involve?
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Science is study of nature.its also means the knowledge of world around you.
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Science is the systematic study of the natural world and its phenomena through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It involves forming testable explanations and predictions, known as hypotheses, which are then rigorously tested to develop reliable knowledge and understanding across various fields such as biology, chemistry, and physics.
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Ishu Sharma
Science is the study of nature and natural laws. Everything around us is science. Science is in nature. If we are going to know about natural laws , it becomes physics. If we are going to know about chemical reactions in nature it becomes chemistry and if we are going to know about living beings then it becomes biology. Every action you are doing is connected with science. Science is nature itself.
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Maryam Ali
Science is simply observing and understanding the world around us. Science is nature and art.
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Sajad Ahmed
Verified Tutor
Science is a system of knowledge about the universe and the phenomena that occur within it. It is based on objective observation and elucidates the fundamental laws of nature. Another approach to defining science is as the information derived through experimentation. This definition underscores the significance of experimentation and verification in the scientific process.
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Science is the understanding and ability to control processes which make life and its processes function in a continuous way
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Science is a study of physical, chemical and biological universe and things occure in it.
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Following a methodical approach grounded on evidence, science is the search and application of knowledge and understanding of the social and natural environments. Scientific technique comprises the following: Objective observing: We may measure and gather data using mathematics as our instrument.
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Science is the systematic study of the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It seeks to understand and explain natural phenomena by forming testable hypotheses, gathering evidence, and drawing conclusions based on data. Science builds knowledge that helps us comprehend the workings of the universe and solve practical problems.
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Science is the systematic study of the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It aims to understand phenomena, establish facts, and develop theories based on empirical evidence. Science relies on a rigorous method of inquiry and is continuously refined through peer review and new discoveries.
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Science is the systematic study of the natural and physical world through observation, experimentation, and analysis. It involves the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the universe's fundamental principles, aiming to explain how things work and predict outcomes based on empirical evidence and logical reasoning. Science is characterized by its reliance on the scientific method, which includes forming hypotheses, testing them through controlled experiments, and refining or revising theories based on the results.
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The science is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation.
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Science is the systematic study of the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis to build knowledge and understanding.
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Aniqah Buckingham
Verified Tutor
Science to me is learning about the world around you and how it works. That’s a very simple answer but science is so broad so there are many things involved in it
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