How do you customise your lessons to fit different learning styles in science and maths tutoring?

Shahab 15 answers
Hi, how do you adapt your lessons to various learning styles in science and maths? I’m interested in your flexibility in teaching.
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I adapt my science and math lessons to different learning styles by using a mix of strategies. For visual learners, I use diagrams and videos. For auditory learners, I focus on discussions and explanations. Kinesthetic learners benefit from hands-on activities. I also break down complex topics into simpler parts and offer different ways to approach problems. Group work and peer teaching are also part of my approach, ensuring that all students can learn in a way that suits them best.
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Hi Shahab, It’s really dependent on how you find you best learn and absorb content. And I will adapt my approach to meet this to ensure you get the most from me. For example some people find learning maths easier by learning it as a process and learning the process to solving the problem, others prefer to understand why the process works to solve the problem and I can ensure I teach maths in which ever way the prefer. Any other questions let me know.
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Subhan Ahmed
Hello Shadab, I design an Excel sheet based on each of my students, based on their performance in question papers I create, I tailor specific math and science topics in lessons to them and set small homework tasks, 5 - 6 questions with 2 to 3 being on sub-topics they struggle in and a mixture of topics to keep the other curriculum content fresh
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Manjinder Dawett
hi, I am very hands on in my teaching and coaching style. we will first find out how you learn and pick up information and the pace you absorb this information. my job is to make sure you understand it and have fun doing so
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However, in my opinion and experience, it’s simply a matter of looking at what you have to teach and thinking of how to present it in interesting ways that are relevant and use visuals - articles, pictures, presentations; audio material - the spoken word, CDs, videos (a-v combination); kinaesthetic - puzzles, role playing, blocks. The more of these you can use effectively, the more learners you will engage. The more engaged, the more they will learn. Example : Light A presentation introduces sources of light and how we see them, demonstrating how we see objects, reflection of light, composition of white light and primary colours. The presentation is interspersed with class experiments, games and activities linking children’s knowledge with their experience through demonstration and discussion of up-to-date applications. The resource also includes detailed teachers’ notes on running the activities.
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From my experience points of view, one of the most important learning style is choosing constructive methods or methodology. In science ingeneral and in maths in particular if we use different models, it helps to solve easier. Trying to share your questions with friends can lead you to different solving styles
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Simple, I will have a meeting with you to learn about your style, condition and how much can you take. And in accordance I will personally guide you through customized lesson. Thanks
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Some students learn better from a person explaining a concept to them, while others prefer completing as many practice questions as possible. I have the luxury of possessing a very large bank of material that supports both styles, and also have experience in dealing with unusual learners. Whichever style someone is better fit for my experience will ensure that I can create tailor-made lessons that are perfect for their way in order to gaurantee exam success.
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To customise my lesson I would be better to provide the logical and conceptual reply along with audio and vedio concern even if I have the meterial of the same things should to provide them and make them incourage to start a fruitful debate
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Muhammad Abuzar
I customize lessons by using visual aids for visual learners, hands-on activities for kinesthetic learners, and logical explanations for logical learners. I also use technology, such as interactive simulations, to engage various learning styles. By assessing individual learning styles and being flexible, I tailor my approach to best support each student's understanding.
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I customize learning process according to the academic requirements and individual capabilities. I focus on creative and effective methods, such as easy-to-remember techniques for mastering times tables and using visual representations for clearer understanding. Regular assessments help me track progress, and I reward achievements to keep them motivated. Understanding that every child is unique, I tailor my teaching approach to ensure each of my children reaches their full potential.
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Nabin Phuyal
I will teach in a practical based technique rather than focusing on the theoretical based. I will teach them by showing different images and videos which they will easily can understand.
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Hi Shahab, great question. Maths is interesting as, for some disciplines and questions, there are sometimes multiple methods you can teach them. I would always recommend giving your students multiple methods to pick from, in order to empower them with choice - though please be aware you can run the risk of overloading students and so you may need to limit the information given to certain individuals. When teaching something new, it is also essential that you draw upon what they already know about the subject. I they haven't studied any linked topics in maths, then try and link it to scenarios in every day life - this provides a great opportunity to use visual and physical learning tools. I hope that proves helpful
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I really enjoy the physical sciences, engineering and due to my ethnicity, Spanish. But mostly Physics, chemistry and Math. I usually select examples that match my percieved intellectual background of the person I am trying to help. Another intersting hint, is the way the question is constructed, it usually hints of desired clarifications, and If I can do it, I will. If the student express any particular inclination to a discipline involving any of the disciplines I feel comfortable with, I tend to draw most examples from it.
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Washeek Naseer
To customize lessons for different learning styles in science and maths tutoring, I first identify each student’s preferred learning style—whether they are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or a combination. For visual learners, I incorporate diagrams, charts, and videos to illustrate concepts. Auditory learners benefit from verbal explanations, discussions, and mnemonic devices. Kinesthetic learners engage best with hands-on activities, experiments, and interactive problem-solving tasks. I also use a variety of teaching tools and methods, such as interactive apps or practical exercises, to cater to diverse learning preferences. This approach ensures that each student receives instruction in a manner that aligns with their strengths, facilitating better understanding and retention of the material.
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