What does take after mean in English?

Alice 1 answer
I remember this expression, but I don't even remember the context anymore, whether it was during English lessons or in a film. Anyway, I don't understand what take after means. Thank you for your help
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The phrase "take after" in English means to resemble or have similar characteristics to someone, typically a family member. For example, if someone says "I take after my mother," it means that they share some of the same physical or personality traits as their mother. Similarly, if someone says "My daughter takes after me," it means that their daughter has inherited some of their own traits. The phrase "take after" is often used to talk about physical appearance, but it can also refer to personality traits or talents. For example, if someone says "My son takes after my husband in his love of sports," it means that their son has inherited their husband's passion for sports. In summary, "take after" means to resemble or have similar traits to someone else, often a family member.
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