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Bilal Nasir
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I encourage my students to adopt a positive and investigative approach with daily life example to build up their interest which is a key for learning any subject. I have thought children from ages 11 year to GCSE level. I offer one 30 minutes tater lesson

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I encourage my students to adopt a positive and investigative approach with daily life example to build up their interest which is a key for learning any subject. I have thought children from ages 11 year to GCSE level. I offer one 30 minutes tater lesson for free. My teaching method is friendly and with an easy student cantered approach . Each pupil have his own strengths and skills and preferences. I endeavour to match the wavelength with student for better communication and transfer of knowledge. My approach is to stir up the student’s mind by asking questions so that a positive creative thinking process starts in their mind and they will be in a position to connect the dots , in this way they develop interest in the subject and learn more swiftly and smoothly.
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