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Martin Boot
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Business administration Lessons
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Learn from over 40 years of global business experience

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Executive board level leader from the top five global networks of marketing and communications consultancies, now turned tutor, where my students greatly appreciate my extensive, practical experience overlay to academic theory.

I’ve worked across and can draw on a plethora of geographies, cultures, products and services sectors and am currently lecturing for University College Dublin in Digital Transformation Management.

I have also taught at Liverpool John Moores University and am a former Visiting Lecturer and Module Leader for the University of Chester, where in both instances, I have taught students studying up to and including PhD level.

I am comfortable in any business related topic and by way of examples, as a Module Leader for Chester, I lectured on creativity and innovation, negotiating skills, intellectual property, team management, sales and marketing, IT and information management, logistics and supply chains, international trade, risk management and market research. And for Liverpool John Moores, on buyer behaviour, campaign creation and travel and tourism.

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