How can we help you?
These are some of the most frequently asked questions by our tutors and students
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How can I check the quality of a tutor?

In the tutor's profile you will find several elements that demonstrate their experience and competence.

  • Reviews from former students allow you to get an idea of the tutor and their classes. Reviews are validated by our team to ensure that they are real.
  • You will see that some tutors are verified, which means that their details have been checked (ratings, phone number, email address...). We always check our teachers' diplomas and certificates.
  • We always check our tutors' diplomas and certificates.
Should I review my tutor?

Reviews from former students allow other students like you to learn more about the tutor before contacting them, as well as helping the tutor prove their abilities to potential students. So, although it is not compulsory to leave your reviews, we always encourage you to do so.

To leave your feedback, your tutor must send you a feedback request. Feel free to ask them if they don't send it to you.

How can I find a tutor?

Find a tutor with our search engine- it's easy!

Just choose the subject, select your city or online and you will have the best tutors in a click. Filter by level, location and more to find the tutor that suits your needs.

Once you have selected your preferred tutors, contact them to request a lesson.

Why should I contact more than one tutor about private lessons?

Your subscription gives you access to all tutors on FindTutors. You can contact as many tutors as you like, so make sure you contact and talk to several tutors to make sure you find the perfect one. By striking up a conversation with them you can be sure that you are making the right choice.

How long does it take to receive a response from tutors?

Our tutors' average response time is between 24 and 48 hours.

In exceptional circumstances, the response may take more than 48 hours, in which case you should remember that you can contact as many tutors as you need.

How do I pay for the class?

FindTutors does not intervene in the payment of lessons, payments are made directly between the tutor and the student.

To simplify the process, we advise you to agree on the price and method of payment with your tutor in advance.

Why does FindTutors ask me to pay when I want to contact a tutor?

FindTutors allows tutors and students to contact each other. To guarantee the quality of our service, we ask you to pay a monthly fee.

The Student Pass allows you to contact as many teachers as you need so that you can be sure to find the right tutor for you. You can cancel your subscription at any time from your personal area.

How can I cancel my subscription?

It is very simple. You can cancel your subscription from your Personal Area. Go to the settings page and click on "See all my contracted services", you will find the option "You can unsubscribe here".

Once cancelled, your subscription will not be renewed for the following months.

How can I contact a tutor I'm interested in?

Once you have chosen your favourite tutors, simply contact them via the "Contact" button at the top of the tutor's profile.

Send them your message using our instant messaging system. The tutor will reply as soon as possible.

Manage my profile and ads
What information should I add to my profile?

A complete profile will allow you to attract the attention of more students, the more complete your profile is, the more likely you are to be contacted. So what information do you need to have a perfect profile?

  • Add a photo of yourself that is professional.
  • Write a good introduction with information such as your experience and teaching methods.
  • Create an ad for the subject you want to teach. Write an original title and a description where you explain to your future students what your classes are like.
  • Ask your former students for reviews to reassure potential students who see your profile.
  • Don't forget to say where you teach.
  • Add your studies and qualifications
  • Indicate your availability
  • Stand out with a video presentation.
  • Verify your profile to reassure potential students
Why do I need to add a photo to my profile and what should it look like?

Having a profile picture is an important as it reassures interested students. Students may be suspicious or wary if they do not see your face.

Add a professional photo that shows your face. It is important that:

  • You are alone in the photo.
  • The photo should be clear and front facing, i.e. showing your face and shoulders.
  • Look into the lens and smile!
How can I get reviews from students?

The reviews your students leave on your profile give new students interested in your classes the confidence to take the next step and contact you.

To request a review, simply go to your reviews in your profile. From there, you can request reviews from all your former students, whether you met them through FindTutors or not.

For students you did meet through FindTutors, simply click on "Request reviews". For your other students, you can share the link we provide via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or WhatsApp. Or you can send the request to student's email address.

This way, students will receive an email asking them to rate your classes. Once our team verifies the review's authenticity and its content, your review will be published on your profile and ads for all students to see.

How can I increase the visibility of my ads?

Sometimes being a good tutor isn't enough, you have to be visible to prove it! That's why we have different ways to help you gain visibility among students.

  • Become a Verified Tutor and you will appear with a badge that identifies you as one of our best tutors.
  • Turn your ad into a Highlighted ad. You'll get 10 times more visibility. Send your ad to the top of the list, the first results always have more visibility.
  • Write in our blog, create interesting content for your potential students.
  • Answer our students' questions about the topics you are an expert in.
What do I need to become a tutor on FindTutors?
Want to share your knowledge? Whether you are a professional teacher, an expert in a particular field or a student... You are welcome to join our community of tutors.
How many ads can I publish?
You can post up to three free ads for different subjects or cities. We advise you to post as many ads as possible, as you can reach different students with each ad. More ads published, more visibility!
Managing my students
How can students contact me?
Students interested in the lessons you offer can contact you directly from your profile via our instant messaging system. This way, you will receive all tutoring requests via the messaging service and you can respond directly to the student.
Can students see my phone number?
As a Verified Tutor, you can choose to show your phone number to students so that they can contact you directly.
How is payment handled?

FindTutors does not intervene in the payment of classes, payments are made directly between the tutor and student.

To simplify the process, we recommend agreeing upon the price and payment method with your tutor beforehand.

How are online classes taught?

There are different videoconferencing tools that allow you to give online classes such as Skype, Google hangouts and Zoom.

But if you are looking for a tool that is completely adapted to private classes, we recommend FindTutors' Virtual Classroom. With TFindTutors' Virtual Classroom, not only will you be able to give online classes with a platform created especially for classes, but you will also be able to manage your classes, your students and organise your timetable more easily.

How can I contact students?
Interested students will contact you directly through our instant messaging system, so please be attentive to the requests you receive and respond quickly so that you don't lose any students.
What should I do when a student contacts me?
When you receive a tutoring request from a student via our instant messenging service, the most important thing is to respond to the student as soon as possible. Remember to respond even if you have to decline the request, the student is still waiting for a response from you.
Haven't found what you're looking for? No problem, contact us

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