• Why is it important to study History? W...

Why is it important to study History? What is the purpose of learning the past?

Studying History provides an insight to students about the fascinating events of the past, how culture and behaviour differs and has adapted over time, as well as an understanding of international cultures.

Personally, I believe history is an extremely important subject to learn, as history ultimately provides a lesson to past crisis' and war.  For example, learning how Medicine has adapted from the Middle Ages to Modern time, provides a lesson to society about how changes have been implemented for the better, such as the installation of clean water systems to prevent viral outbreaks, such as the well known Cholera Epidemic. History also teaches about international disasters, such as World War, and how international institutions have adapted as a result, to prevent such pain from occurring again.

For instance, after the tragedy of World War Two, countries in Allie signed the NATO agreement, which prevents any future conflict from occurring in said countries, as well as the protection of all Allies if war was to occur from anti NATO countries. Such agreement was declared to prevent the events of war and protect British Citizens.

Ultimately, studying history within the education system impacts the overall achievements for society, as the subject is executed to teach from the past, and in many cases, learn from the mistakes of those previously in power, on an international scale, as well as nationally. For such explained reasons, I am proud to say I have a passion for teaching those the skills I obtain regarding history, as well as expanding my knowledge additionally in my space time. 



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