• Python, it's Application and Advantage ...

Python, it's Application and Advantage to learn Python

What is Python

Python is a high-level programming language. It is designed in such a way that it uses significant indentation for code readability. Python is a dynamically typed (no need to specify variable type) language and garbage-collected (It has memory recovery features). It supports multiple programming paradigms such as functional programming, asynchronous programming (performing multiple tasks simultaneously), structured programming, and Object-oriented programming.

Python Applications

Python is a very versatile programming language that can be used for multiple purposes e.g. Data Analysis, Data Wrangling, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Data Visualization, Website Development, and many more. Python is the fastest growing programming language nowadays. This is because it supports multiple libraries for performing specific tasks which are growing day by day.  For example, for performing Deep Learning tasks it has libraries such as Keras, TensorFlow and PyTorch, for machine learning scikit-learn is extensively used. It has CV2 library which is specifically for performing computer vision tasks. For NLP it has  NLTK library which is mostly used. For data analysis and data wrangling Pandas is used. For performing numerical computations numpy package is mostly used. For performing scientific computations, it has a package named as scipy. For Data plotting matplotlib is used. For visualization of data Plotly and Dash are extensively used. For backend web development Django and Flask are mostly used. In short, python has multiple libraries for performing multiple types of tasks. 

Advantages of Learning Python

After learning Python a person can explore his career in any or all of the following domains i.e. Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Backend Development, Data Analysis etc. depending on his/her skill set.  

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