• What are the best platforms for private...

What are the best platforms for private tuition?


Everyone who wants to become a tutor should advertise on a private tuition website. Why? By doing so, you will probably be able to find students much faster if you join the community of tutors on a particular platform.

Before the internet, people advertised on the street or found students for private tuition through word of mouth. Fortunately, we now have more effective ways to reach potential students. The advent of private tuition platforms changed the educational landscape and convinced many parents and students to rely on this personalised method.

In this post, we will tell you about the importance of choosing a good website to advertise as a tutor, the criteria you should follow and the main platforms available.

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Must haves for a private tuition platform

A private tuition platform must have students and tutors, of course. In addition, this community should be sufficiently well known so that there is more demand for private tuition. The more users there are, the more people you can appeal to with your advertisement. Let's look at some other positive points that will help you as a tutor:

  • Option to advertise. Advertising is key, but the page should have all the options to speed up the process. Being able to manually or automatically mark the subject, price or other issues in a quick way makes it much easier.
  • Different ways of giving private tuition. Nowadays, you can give private tuition online, at home, in person at another location, in a group... There are many different options and even some hybrid options. You should make sure that the platform you are looking for has all or most of them.

  • Virtual classroom. This private tuition application is related to the previous one. Online tuition has become more popular than ever, so private tutors need to have a virtual space where they can give their classes.
  • Messaging. Being able to talk to your students from the website is essential, especially for the first contact.
  • Ways to gain visibility. Finally, since you are a tutor and you want to advertise, it is very positive that your website has devised ways to be able to position you at the top or help you stand out from the rest of the advertisements. Even if it is not a free option in most cases, this kind of investment is worthwhile in order to get students.

In addition to these main issues, you should bear in mind that each website must stand out from the rest. You will notice this yourself. Each platform will have its own unique tools, such as advice sections or job boards for tutors, for example. You will have to assess which one is best suited to your way of teaching.

Popular platforms

There are several well-known private tuition platforms, but we recommend two in particular. Both have all the tools mentioned above, but let's focus on what gives them added value.

1. FindTutors

FindTutors was the first platform for private tuition. They have been in the market for more than ten years and that means that their volume of tutors, parents and students is very high. But let's see what they offer:

  • The website does not take any commission. The price you set will be the final price of the class.
  • Students can value you. There is nothing better than showing your credibility to others with a letter of recommendation. Your students can do the same once you have taught them.
  • You can offer the first lesson for free. This option doubles as a job interview. It's up to you whether you take it or not, but if you do, you won't regret it. This way you can get to know your student and see the feeling between the two of you.

2. ClassGap

ClassGap is the best website for online tuition. In fact, it was born solely for this purpose, so it has everything you would expect from a platform for the virtual world. However, it also has tools that may surprise you:

  • Digital tools to make classes dynamic. ClassGap's virtual classroom is not limited to just giving classes as a normal videoconference: they have a digital whiteboard where you can draw and write, collaborative editing of documents, the option to share the screen, play videos, etc.
  • Proprietary and secure payment method. ClassGap has devised a whole method to ensure that students pay for the class at the end of each online meeting. Therefore, there is no risk of fraud from the other party and that is why many online tutors stay with this platform.

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Tips for writing your private tuition advertisement

Have you already decided where to place your ad? Great! Let's take a look at everything your private tuition ad should contain:

  • Subject and level. When placing an ad you should be as specific as possible. Therefore, writing English classes for B2, C1 or C2 level is better than just "I give English classes". You should try to appeal to the student directly and think about what they're looking for in you.
  • Education and experience. If you have not yet made a CV, don't worry, private tuition is the first job for many people. However, if you have done anything, no matter how minor, it is best to reflect that in your ad.
  • Availability. Don't forget to include your availability and indicate if you are a flexible person. Many students compare tutors' schedules when choosing a tutor.
  • Price. At the moment, it will be an approximate price, but it is better to put it so that they can get an idea of what you are asking for.
  • Be creative. In the end, you have to show your personality and the type of tutor you are. So you can complement your ad by putting your skills or hobbies, for example. The more information the better!
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