• Want IELTS 7+? Use these study-enjoymen...

Want IELTS 7+? Use these study-enjoyment collocations into your answers.

Often at the start of the IELTS test, the examiner will ask you what you are studying and whether you like your course. Here are ten collocations to help you answer this kind of question.


Collocations are words that go together as units to describe a particular thing. They are essential for getting a 7+ in IELTS speaking and writing.


  1. Enjoying a subject - finding pleasure in learning about a particular topic.

  2. Being interested in a course - feeling curious about the content of a class and wanting to learn more.

  3. Finding a topic fascinating - being extremely interested in a subject and wanting to explore it further.

  4. Struggling to engage with the material - finding it difficult to pay attention or feel interested in the content of a course.

  5. Feeling bored during classes - experiencing a lack of excitement or interest during lectures or class discussions.

  6. Hating a required subject - strongly disliking a mandatory class for one's degree program.

  7. Finding a professor inspiring - feeling motivated and inspired by a teacher's teaching style or their passion for the subject matter.

  8. Failing to grasp important concepts - not understanding key ideas or information in class.

  9. Looking forward to a new course - feeling excited and eager to learn about a new subject.

  10. To not understand something right away - to find something difficult to understand when you first hear or learn it. Sometimes it takes time to understand things.


I've written a blog post to help you remember these collocations and practice understanding them by seeing them in context. After the article, there are some IELTS questions.

As an English language learner, it can be challenging to stay motivated and engaged in your studies, especially when you are required to take courses that do not appeal to your interests. However, by finding pleasure in learning about a particular topic or finding a professor inspiring, you can make the learning experience much more enjoyable and fulfilling.


One important way to enjoy a subject is to be interested in the course material. If you feel curious about the content of a class and want to learn more, you are more likely to engage with the material and retain the information. For example, suppose you are taking a history course. In that case, you might find it fascinating to learn about the causes of an important war or the cultural and social changes that occurred during a specific period.


Similarly, you will want to explore a topic further if you find it fascinating. Whether it is literature, science, art, or any other subject, there is always something new to discover and learn. So, if you are struggling to engage with the material, try to find something that interests you and dig deeper. You might be surprised at what you find.


On the other hand, if you dislike a particular assignment or find yourself feeling bored during classes, it can be challenging to stay motivated. However, it is important to remember that every assignment and class is an opportunity to learn something new. Rather than focusing on the negative aspects, try to find something positive about the material or the teacher's style of teaching. Maybe you enjoy the discussion portion of the class or find the professor's passion for the subject inspiring.


Additionally, if you are required to take a class that you hate, try to find a way to make the material more interesting. Maybe you can relate it to something else that you enjoy, or you can try to find a unique viewpoint that motivates you. Even if it is mandatory for your degree program, you still have the power to control how you approach the material.


Finally, if you are struggling to grasp important concepts, do not be afraid to ask for help. Speak with your professor or classmates, watch online tutorials, or seek out additional resources that explain the material in a different way. Remember, everyone learns at their own pace, so do not feel discouraged if you do not understand something right away.


In conclusion, finding pleasure in learning is essential for any student, and it is especially important for English language learners who are not yet familiar with the language. By staying curious about the material, finding something fascinating about a topic, and seeking out inspiring teachers, you can make the learning experience much more enjoyable and fulfilling. So, no matter what class you are taking, approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn, and you may find yourself looking forward to the next course with excitement.


Now try answering the following IELTS speaking part 1 questions and use some of the collocations:


  • How do you feel about your course?

  • Do you like your major? 

  • Have you always wanted to study that subject?

  • What are your favourite classes?/What part of your studies do you like the very best?

  • Are there things about your subject you dislike?

  • Do you think everybody should choose a subject they enjoy? (Why?) 

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