• Tips for scheduling better your Spanish...

Tips for scheduling better your Spanish learning.

Decide how many minutes a day you want/can dedicate to learning Spanish. It could be as less as you wish. It could be different from one day to another. For example, on Monday, you can spend 30 minutes, Tuesday 15 minutes, Wednesday 1 hour, Thursday 15 minutes, Friday 30 minutes. Saturday and Sunday leisure activities.

If you can´t focus for a long time, start with the minimum you can. Keep the same time for at least one week and if you can increase the time, then increase it for no more than 10 minutes each time.  The goal is to get used to focusing on your Spanish activity. For example, First week, 20 min each day. Second and third weeks, 30 min each day. Fourth week onwards, 40 min each day.

Don´t try to push yourself too hard. In the beginning, don’t schedule long periods if that is unrealistic. You will give up in less than a month. Step by step. Remember, start with the minimum to reach the maximum, and be realistic, don’t schedule more time just because you are motivated.

You can spend your leisure time with Spanish activities, watching a film, going to the Theatre, learning about plants in Spanish, etc. Possibilities are uncountable. In doing this, you will be increasing the time you are exposed to Spanish, and what is more important, you are enjoying practicing your Spanish in actual live events.

Schedule different activities (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) and consider how difficult or disliked they are. The ones more difficult or dislike better at the beginning, and the easiest or you like the most at the end.

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