• Student jobs you can do from home

Student jobs you can do from home


Working and studying are two combinations that many of us have had to experience at some point in our lives. Fortunately, there are jobs for students that you can combine with other activities.   

Many companies are looking for young people. Even for some businesses it is interesting to have student profiles that are curious, have interests and know about different disciplines. But there are many students who, when looking for jobs for university students or evening jobs, are not able to find a good schedule.

In this case, the best option is to work from home as a student. There are many jobs that allow you to work from home, such as, for example, being a tutor. Let's see the most common jobs!   

These students are looking for a private tutor

Work from home jobs for students

These professions have the characteristic of not being very demanding. In most of them you can decide the number of hours you are going to work and how you are going to do it. Even the schedule: mornings, afternoons, weekends or, why not, find summer jobs. These are the jobs for students that you can do from home:

  • Designer: This is a very specialised profession and is for those who are studying something related to design, engineering or architecture. Some companies are looking for someone to create a logo, a web banner or a simple advertising or corporate image. Something that without any doubt a student with basic knowledge can do. You would be surprised how many people are looking for simple, easy and not badly paid jobs. Just search on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork and you will see the amount of jobs you can do.
  • Text translator: This is another job for students of a subject, perfect if you want to work as a translator. There are many companies that use freelance translators for specific jobs and they do it through online platforms. Some people have very little work to translate, they only want a small amount of work for some communication or very specific things. Although you may think that if you know another language well you can do this type of work, it is not the most advisable, since being a good translator is not only about knowing how to speak a language, however this type of assignments are perfect for university students. If you know a language well, you might be better off teaching people at a lower level.

How to give online tuition as a student?

Private tuition is perfect for studying and working at the same time. Especially because many students have fresh knowledge and take the opportunity to pass on what they know before they become rusty.

But the bad thing is that you usually have to move from one place to another and if you want to have more than one student the loss of time and money is too much. What if there was a way to teach students without leaving home and without setting up a tuition centre?

The solution lies in online tuition. Something that is becoming more and more fashionable and that, although at the beginning there were students with certain reluctance, nowadays thanks to the great quality of technology, teaching online has never been so easy and safe.

You can advertise within our portal and check the online tuition box or discover Classgap. A platform designed to give online tuition in the best possible way. Become an online tutor or think about becoming an extracurricular tutor thanks to this type of platform. You will be able to plan your classes, communicate with all your students and make a secure payment for the classes through this website.

More work from home jobs for students

  • Sell photos and videos

Although this is not strictly without leaving home, if you are a student of photography or something related to the image you probably have a good library of images or videos. This may interest more people than you think and they may pay for it.

There are many photo galleries that are used to illustrate media or websites. They buy photos from professional photographers and then resell them to whoever needs them. They use all kinds of photos of all kinds of things.

You might be able to make some money from that cute photo of your cat on platforms like Shutterstock or Fotolia. You can also join their staff of photographers and even if they don't pay too much per piece, you'll probably get simple and quick assignments.

  • Virtual assistant

Having an administrative assistant to do personal assistant functions is something that not everyone can afford, to reduce costs virtual assistants were born. They work from home for several people without moving.

They manage your agenda, your contacts, your appointments and even have those awkward conversations that many entrepreneurs don't want to have with suppliers or customers. All you need is a computer and time to be available.

It may be one of the lesser-known jobs, but you'll be surprised when you discover how many things you can do to earn money that you probably never thought of.

  • Crafts

Another job for artists or people with a certain morning for crafts. If you are able to make original products do not think about it and surely someone will be interested in putting your artwork in their living room.

You can do all kinds of things, even if you are not a real artist. Find for example a funny way to make funny t-shirts and you might be successful on the internet, nowadays if you find your audience anything is possible.

  • Telephone surveys

It is a job that many companies need on an occasional basis and hiring a company to do it is expensive, and there are many survey companies that subcontract freelancers for some specific assignments.

You only need a phone number, the contact list is usually provided by them, as well as the surveys. Normally they pay per survey taken, so if you are unlucky it may not be very profitable, but you can take surveys and study at the same time.

  • Transcriptions

For those who are good at spelling and were good at dictation in school, transcribing texts is simple and very useful. If you find a good company or platform you will find many job offers.

There are thousands of people and companies looking to transcribe audios and the vast majority do it through platforms such as Transcribeme or Rdo. The volume of orders you can have is surprising.

Tips for working from home as a student

The most important thing to earn money without leaving home is that you know how to organize yourself. Have a certain routine and patience when looking for work online. If you are going to have several clients what you have to inspire above all is professionalism.

Even if you are looking for jobs for students, you should not forget that after all it is a job and someone will be relying on your work to meet their goals, so take it seriously because this type of job may be the beginning of your professional career.

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