• Some Spanish clothes vocabulary for Feb...

Some Spanish clothes vocabulary for February.

¡Hola a todos! ¿Qué tal?

February is here!!! But we are still in winter, and although the days are longer, and the sun is a bit stronger we need to keep ourselves well wrapped up and warm!!

Here you can find some winter clothing words in Spanish for you to add to your vocabulary.

A small tip!! “Todavía” or “aún” mean the same “Still”. 



If you remember the word “ Abrigo”; for sure you can also memorise the verb “Abrigarse”.

In Spanish the verb "Abrigarse" means "Wrap yourself up with warm clothes", very commonly uses during winter. This verb is a Regular and Reflexive verb. Therefore, when we conjugate it, we must use the Reflexive Pronouns before the verb.

Conjugación “Abrigrarse” en Presente

Yo me abrigo

 te abrigas

Él / Ella / Usted se abriga

Nosotros nos abrigamos

Vosotros os abrigáis

Ellos / Ustedes se abrigan


En invierno nos abrigamos cuando salimos a la calle. In winter we wrap ourselves up when we go out.

¡Abrígate bien! ¡Hace mucho frío hoy! Wrap yourself up well! It is very cold today!

Cuando mis amigos van a esquiar se abrigan mucho. Se ponen abrigos, bufandas, gorros y guantes. When my Friends go to ski, they wrap themselves up. They put coats, scarfs, wool hats, and gloves on.

I hope this helps you to keep you warm during the rest of winter 😉

Muchas gracias, 

¡Hasta pronto! :-)

Your Spanish Tutor


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