German uses the nose quite often to describe or paraphrase situations.
Die Nase vorn... means being ahead of things or the game.
der Nase nach... following your instinct.
naseweis.. um eine Nasenlänge voraus und vieles mehr.
Applying paraphrasing or figurative language is surely a more sophisticated use of words. But even in a basic version it is a joyful way of approaching a language and ensuring "ihr habt nicht gleich die Nase voll" before you have really got your head around German.
This gets very entertaining when you stumble over faux amis and stop somebody from being "nasig". You could though ask, "Stecke deine Nase nicht in meine Angelegenheiten".
Faux amis or false friends are words or sayings that have been translated literally from English to German, i.e. Am Ende des Tages. This is now commonly understood but does not really translate correctly. 'Schlussendlich' oder 'letzten Endes' would be the correct version.
I love discovering faux amis with my 11-year-old daughter, we even make up our own and have a good laugh if others appear confused.
But let's wrap it up here before it gets up your nose and you had enough from learning more about German.
Lust mehr über Deutsch als Sprache zu entdecken? Dann steck doch deine Nase mal in meinen Kurs. Being nosy...(nasig sein) gibt es im Deutschen nicht.
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