• 10 ways to improve your maths

10 ways to improve your mental maths

Here are 10 ways to improve your maths skills:

1. The first and most important step is to break the habit of occasionally using a calculator for calculations that just require simple addition and subtraction. Even if it takes some time, try to accomplish it in your head or with paper and a pen.

2. Begin by working with tiny numbers, and if you feel confident performing simple calculations, move on to larger numbers as you gain more experience.

3. Memorize mathematical tables up to 20, squares up to 25, cubes up to 10, and Pythagoras triplets so that you can quickly and easily utilise them for calculations whenever necessary. By writing them down, you can memorise them.

4. Anyone can become flawless with practise. It's crucial to get your mind in the habit of performing calculations, so try to solve a few arithmetic questions each day. Then, you can check your answers with a calculator.

5. Whenever you purchase many goods in a store, attempt to use mental maths to add the prices on your own. One of the finest practical ways to sharpen your talents is through this.

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7. At first, concentrate more on correctness than speed when performing calculations; however, as you gain experience, you will start to prioritise speed because precision always comes first.

8. Become familiar with the various multiplication shortcuts so you may further reduce the amount of time you spend on calculations.

9. Get a notepad and write down all the different formulas and tricks you learn or come across in that notepad and take a look at it every day as it is the best way to memorize.

10. Some complex problems are made to look intimidating, but if we break them down into pieces, they become pretty easy to solve.



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