• A-level Law Revision Tips

How to revise for A level Law? - If struggling check out this blog.

Here are some tips to help you revise for A-level Law:

1)Blurting!!!!  📖- For 30 minutes read over your notes and then on a whiteboard without looking at your notes try and write down all the legal concepts you remember. Repeat this if this method works for you !!!!! This will ensure that you have specific topics that you will need to focus in before your Law exam. This will fill in the gaps, ensuring you are not worried about missing out relevant points in your exam. For example, this could be a key case in tort law, such as Donoghue v Stevenson.

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2)Understand the key legal concepts ⚖️ memorise relevant legal cases that may arise in problem question during your exams. For example, you could write the key legal concepts on post-it notes and stick them in your house. This will help with memory and when getting ready for school, eating dinner or doing chores you will be able to memorise the key legal concepts. The key legal concepts are essential for basic knowledge of the law to pass exams.

3)Flashcards!!!  🗃️  -create colour coded flashcards of topics.

4)Revision Strategy-Create a detailed study plane of gaols, timelines and methods to track progress.

5)Timetable  ⏲️Place key legal topics in your revision timetable. This will help you revise content ahead of the exam. You could colour code in red ,orange and green according to how well you know each topic

6) YouTube videos – You can watch YouTube videos to help summarise or understand key legal concepts. Some key YouTubers that helped me were The Law Teacher and Marcus cleaver.

7) Make Case quizzes – This will help you memorise the key facts of the cases and the legal points.

8) Role play – You could act out the key facts and legal outcome with your friends. This will be a fun and helpful revision strategy and will reduce stress and increase productivity.

9)  Chart!!!- You could create a chart with a league board of how many people each week.

10)Past Papers !!!  - Use practice papers to help fill the gaps in your knowledge. You can also use them to help you practice essays, such as making multiple drafts.

11) Quality over quantity!!!!! - Make sure that when answering problem questions, you use the relevant case law and statute. A key acronym used is IRAC. You will identify the issue that you are advising the client on. Then the rule is the relevant legal cases and principles that match the issue. The application should be interweaved with the relevant legal principles and cases within the problem questions, and make sure to use the correct names when addressing the clients instead of just sating the parties should. Finally, you should make a conclusion which is solid and links to the problem question.

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12) Mind maps - Create mind maps using canvas or any other mind maps websites to help memorise the different legal concepts For example, for contract law you can create a mind map based on the main aspects needed for a creation of a contract such as offer, consideration, acceptance and intention to create legal relations.

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