• 5 Techniques to Master Algebra with Onl...

5 Good Techniques for Teaching Algebra to Students


I'll start off this article with the raw truth and then we'll continue downwards. Algebra is one of those subjects that most people find challenging and to some extent it is true. Another truth is, that algebra can be a rewarding subject and may lead to a confidence boost. Just picture this, you enter your class and everyone views you as the one who's mastered algebra. If that doesn't make you feel great then I don't know what will.

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My goal is to give you 5 techniques that will help you start off your path toward becoming a star Algebraic student. I will also focus on how we'll achieve this via online lessons as an online tutor.

1. A Solid Foundation: Reviewing Pre-Algebra Concepts

If today I told you that I'd build a house from the top without a foundation you'd be shocked. A good foundation is important for one to do anything worthwhile. That could be the reason why Algebra is a challenge to you. To become an exemplary Algebra student, you're required to have a solid foundation in pre-algebra concepts. Once you are well acquainted with the basic principles such as fractions then now you'll be well-positioned to tackle whatever algebra throws your way.

How to Implement Online: We will start by reviewing all these foundational topics through the use of our online tutoring environment. There has been a wide development of screen-sharing tools that will make the process of learning easy and on the spot. The ease with which we can access virtual whiteboards helps us recreate the whole classroom experience for you.

2. Breaking Down Complexities into Simpler Parts

If I told you today that I wanted you to write a book, you'd be overwhelmed with thoughts and decision fatigue. But if I gave you a page to write with the theme, you'd find it very easy. Breaking down a problem into its small parts gives you smaller pieces that you can deal with immediately. In algebra, we'll achieve this by breaking the problem into smaller parts and solving the smaller parts sequentially. When the art of breaking problems into smaller parts is mastered then algebra becomes a walk in the park.

How to Implement Online: I will emphasize this step-by-step approach by ensuring that each part of the problem is well written on our shared whiteboard. This will give us pieces of the problem that we can deal with individually. The advantage of using this approach, we can stop at a place where we don't understand until we get to the specific part of the problem we are solving. This ensures that each part is well cared for meaning the whole sum or problem is solved to perfection.

3. Using Real-World Examples for Algebraic Concepts

In my 4th year on Campus, while pursuing my degree in Pure Maths and Computer science, our Algebraic Number Theory professor gave us an interesting project to solve. We were told to explain the concepts of advanced algebra such as Fields to illiterates and ensure they understand. This made us think out of the box and find real-world examples that can better illustrate the concepts of Algebra.

We'll find a wide range of examples from grocery shopping down to simple day-to-day activities that illustrate algebraic concepts that you were initially blind to. The use of such examples will acquaint you better with algebraic concepts.

How to Implement Online: Imagine the ease with which we can find real-world examples and use them online. We don't even have to struggle as all the resources will be available to us through screen sharing. We can also implement videos and animations that will explain the abstract ideas better.

4. Incorporate Visual Aids and Technology

Human beings are visual creatures and we'd be doing ourselves a disservice if we tried to practice Algebra without the relevant visualizations. These abstract concepts at times could prove very difficult for students to imagine. They end up confused and hence make the assessment that Algebra is difficult. When we implement graphs and charts in our teachings, they get to see the concepts in a way easy for them to internalize. Technology makes this a plus as there's an abundance of visual and highly interactive content.

How to Implement Online: The integration of technology into the teaching of key Algebra concepts has been of huge help not only to us online teachers but also to the students we teach. The concept of functions can be easily illustrated using graphing software where the students get to understand how they function(see what I did there?) By so doing, we manage to make Algebra more understandable and engaging for our students.

5. Encourage Practice with Immediate Feedback

Practice makes perfect - a cliché saying but one that holds water on this physical plane of ours. I wish I could give you a magic pill which when swallowed the concepts of Algebra sink in but it doesn't work that way. By exposing oneself to numerous Algebraic problems only can one understand and attain mastery over the subject.

How to Implement Online: Students get to practice finding solutions to Algebraic problems while I provide them feedback on the spot by use of online tutoring environments. I hate to sound like a broken record but virtual whiteboards helped us revolutionize the online teaching landscape. These online tools help us offer immediate feedback to the students and bring a lot of fun to the learning process.


The only thing impossible to do in this world is find an impossible algebraic task. This is why I strongly believe that Algebra is a subject whereby anyone can succeed with ease. The 5 steps above are almost in sequential order: first, you need a solid foundation in the basic concepts of Algebra. Once that is done then we can successfully go down the list of techniques bagging victories on each one.

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As an online tutor who believes in the craft, the flexibility and effectiveness of online tutoring can't be understated. Everything can be improved with the right tools and methods. Algebra so happens to be one of those things. So, if becoming proficient in Algebra and becoming a beneficiary of the confidence boost it comes with is your objective shoot me a message. Prepare however to turn all your challenges into stepping stones.

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Enos Meneffee
I am a passionate Math professional with a brief background in psychology which makes me the best person to help you with your Math problems. From mindset issues all the way down to practical issues. Reach out today for more enlightenment.Contact
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