Going through many moments. I have felt lost, having no clue what the next step should be. In wonder to what the future holds for me. As an adult, I think I have put away most childish things. But, childish ways of experiencing myself and life lingers in my unconscious mind.
It happens that the vision you thrive for becomes unclear. Things you dream about fade with time. The road map you drew for yourself tears up. It happens that you are no longer passionate about that vision. But, why do such things happen? It is all about thoughts. Thought is the action or process of thinking. Processing thoughts is a complicated process in itself.
The mind is what enables us to be aware of the world and our experiences, to think, to judge, to wish, and to feel. When thinking of anything that makes you happy, you will feel happy as well. However, when a negative thought or a fear comes to your mind, you will not stay the same. Thoughts are important when they help us understand ourselves better, grow and prosper.
Now, having a plenty of ideas and thoughts is quite insufficient. Thoughts need to be filtered before reaching the level of practice. In any situation, I give myself two options; either I think positively so I get a positive result, or I allow to negative thoughts come in to my mind and that what screws up everything. Of course, I have been through difficult times when I did the wrong and the right. I did think negatively and positively. In other words, I have lived in a real mess yet this did not take so long.
In the end, choosing the right has become a habit. It took me a lot of time to filter my thoughts and choose what makes me feel better, satisfied and relaxed. The mind is like a bowl that accepts anything you put in. Our part is to put what fits best for it and us.
Everything takes time. In fact, we need that time; we need to sit with ourselves to clear our visions, to reshape our future, to redraw the map.
Have a nice day!